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When Bad Things Happen to Good People - Capa Comum - 9781400034727

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Com base nos últimos 40 dias, o valor está próximo da média de R$ 49,20

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TítuloWhen Bad Things Happen to Good People
AutorCapa Comum
EditoraAnchor Books


O menor preço encontrado no Brasil para When Bad Things Happen to Good People - Capa Comum - 9781400034727 atualmente é R$ 51,61.

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Livro com ótimo conteúdo


Livro que li e gostei tanto que recomendei e até comprei exemplar para um amigo.


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The author is definitely a wise man. I do not follow any religion myself, and I was amazed by the respect and care he uses to talk about anyone's faith or even lack of one. His words are comforting, intelligent and reasonable. I do not agree with his conclusion, but it is so beautifully written and reasoned that I wish I could meet this man, have a cup of coffee with him and say "thank you, you are an incredible human being".


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Powerful message!


Powerful message! It changed the way I see some aspects of live. But it is at the same time very repetitive


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interesting and can help you if you want it to discuss the topic honestly


It added interesting ideas to me, but sometimes it is contradictory...well...like life. As usual in books like that, there is no a last word to the topic ( is there any...?), but includes many experiences and stories for helping people in tough times.


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