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The Checklist Manifesto: How To Get Things Right - Atul Gawande - 9781846683145

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TítuloThe Checklist Manifesto: How To Get Things Right
AutorAtul Gawande
EditoraProfile Books


O menor preço encontrado no Brasil para The Checklist Manifesto: How To Get Things Right - Atul Gawande - 9781846683145 atualmente é R$ 61,43.

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preciso criar checklists!


Excelente narrativa. Leitura fácil e tranquila (mesmo em inglês, língua que me considero iniciante). Com dicas excelente de organização por meio de checklists.


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This book is a really manifesto about applying checklist, bringing a lot of different histories and cases that checklists were applied in a successful way, in areas like: Medicine (Saving lives), Engineering, Construction, Aeroespacial and Business Management. The autor researched in these mentioned areas to bring experiences to medicine application, evidencing mainly failures in surgery process (e.g. Air contamination, wrong dosage of medicines, hospital infection, insufficient blood stock, hands decontamination) that could be avoided simply using a checklist. It’s very simple during reading to make a parallel analysis with my area of actuation, Reliability Engineering, finding out new potential applications or improving existing checklists (e.g. TPM, 5S, GEMBA Walking, Inspections), using a lot hints and checklist for developing checklists available in this book. One impressive point that is important to mentioned, is data quality issues at hospitals in terms of inputting the right anamnesis, symptom, cause, hermeneutical, etc. in the software of management system, that created difficulties in the verification if any measure implemented, really improved hospital processes. It was the scenario of checklist implementation, being necessary to starting collecting the data before and after checklist pilot to prove effectiveness [The main achievement of autor was WHO (World Healthy Organization) starting recommends application of checklist in surgeries world wide, based on achieved results (A lot of statistical data is available in this book, mainly in medicine area)!]. After reading this book, my vision and concerns about checklist applications changed, opening new ways for improvements! I really recommend this reading for any professional in any area!!!


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Tool to keep a quality of your processes


If you want to keep the same quality in any task or not making more the same error in any process, you should read this book for creating great checklists.


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Muito bom livro


O autor apresenta muitos exemplos técnicos de várias áreas do conhecimento. Só senti falta de uma conclusão ou resumo para quem quer aplicar esse conhecimento de maneira prática


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