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TítuloOxford Modern English Grammar
AutorBas Aarts


O menor preço encontrado no Brasil para Oxford Modern English Grammar - Bas Aarts - 9780199533190 atualmente é R$ 117,60.

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Devastating lacking grammar; overwhelming - to the point of being useless - sentence builder.

Não Recomendo

I have a comfortable grasp of the English language, but I wanted to have a better grammar knowledge since what I know was acquired in a somewhat informal way, with only the basics of the grammar being learned. The rest was obtained with extensive immersion. Well, although this book has a absurdly detailed (at the point that I think NOBODY would be able to use this for learning, since the amount of information might just be to overwhelming) description of all the combinations and orders a sentence can be written in English, with the different types of clauses and phrases being very detailed covered, it is simply lacking in a very outrageous way to inform the reader of what one could probably find in a more traditional grammar. I give a example: it talks about the past perfect meaning, but doesn't show how to form it! The way it presents some of the auxiliary verbs and it's past tenses is in the middle of the text, in a very unorganized manner if the learner wants to consult it again. It simply ignores the existence of the basic rules, taking that the reader already know such things. And although someone reading this book probably does knows such things, nonetheless you cannot write a damn English Grammar without them, for Christ sake's! This should be a comprehensive look at the language, not a sentence-builder tutorial of the sorts. The negligence to define the tenses (it always gives examples, but never detail the constructions of the tenses; for example, you will not find something like this: Past Progressive: auxiliary to be in the past tense + lexical verb in the participle) in it's constructions, which is a more advanced topic, is simply baffling. The contents page is extremely lacking, since it just names the parts and the chapters, even though it has a humongous subdivision inside the chapters, which a reader wanting to consult a specific topic would be blessed to have it shown in the contents; but no!, he will have to cycle through pages and lose time. And, of course, the already spoken problem of some vital information being presented in the middle of a random paragraph, without any emphasis, which will make the search for information latter on extremely hard. How can I recommend something that lacks the basics, and gives a overwhelming detail of things that none but the most dedicated scholars know, and even they probably don't consider when writing something? This is a stillborn grammar book, and I cannot but wonder and have compassion for someone who have a low-intermediate grasp of the language and it's in a thrill to learn it, and by some divine curse gets this grammar. The poor bastard will loose self-esteem, money and patience. Avoid this at all costs, and go look for a more traditional constructed grammar book.


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Padrão de qualidade Oxford


O livro é excelente e completíssimo. Vale ressaltar que é um livro 100% escrito em inglês, com conteúdo extremamente avançado, voltado para pessoas fluentes na língua e que desejam se aprofundar na sua gramática para fins profissionais ou acadêmicos. Não é um livro que eu indicaria para quem quer apenas aprender a se comunicar em inglês.


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Tu que eu queria


Ótimo livro conteúdo muito valioso


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Mto complexo. Destina-se a quem estuda a língua inglesa em profundidade


o livro é ótimo mas mto complexo


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